Co_creation a la LYNDSEY


Yoga is an invitation to Union.  For many it starts as a holistic way to mend aches and creaks, then grows its impact as relaxation and peace deepens, then lights the way to Waking Up to love!  My vision is that our persistent yoga practice together be a unique puzzle piece of an emerging, soulful foundation of increased consciousness that sparks a deep, playful waking-up process for our community to heal from the ground up. (That was a long sentence. In the honing process! Ha.)  I choose “donation-based” business model so that all are welcome to come as many times a week as their soul and schedule inspires, to each their own means.

F A L L   S C H E D U L E   ( 2 0 1 5 )
Mondays: GENTLE  P.M.  // 6-7:15pm
>>  Relaxing, slow paced class to clear your mind and prepare your body for restful sleep. Appropriate for beginners.

Tuesdays: LET GO! MINDFUL FLOW // 4:30-5:30p
>>  Moderate-paced, vinyasa-inspired class aimed at de-stressing from your work day and deep internal listening.

Wednesdays: LUNCH TIME RE-SET  // 12-1pm
>>  Medium intensity class inviting you to come back to center mid-day, through breath, strength, sound, and community!

Thursdays: GENTLE A.M.  // 8:30-9:45am
>>  Come fully and kindly into your body at the start of the day to live from a place of peace and pleasure! Appropriate for beginners.

12 Responses to Yoga @ RANTOUL

  1. Tatiana Hastings says:

    Hi, Lindsey!

    It was great to meet you last Thursday!

    I really enjoyed your gentle but rather intense yoga session. It was fun! I also loved the spiritual undertone of your class.

    Thank you and I will see you tonight!


    • lyndsey says:

      So happy to heard it, Tatiana. Such a joy to have class with you — your steadfast, beautiful practice adds so much! So glad Maggie intro’d us. More to come.

  2. Hi Lyndsey, I am assuming this class is in Rantoul?

  3. Edwin Everly says:

    I attended your gentle/restorative class last Monday evening, 5-6:25 P.M., what a difference that class made for my week. Thank you!

    • lyndsey says:

      So glad you found the class and that the yoga is bringing peace to your life! (I just found this comment on my website!)

  4. Cherie Brown says:

    Hi Lindsey,

    I attended a class at the church some time ago seems I haven’t been able to come back due to some kind injury lately! Anyway would the Thursday morning class be possible with a walking cast on? Possible stress fracture and torn ligaments will no mor Monday what is really is but in the meantime I have to wear this walking cast but am getting tired of sitting around!

    I appreciate any feedback on the class and if ok with cast on!

    Thank you

    • lyndsey says:

      Hi Cherie! Just seeing this comment now ~ a year later. Yikes! Spam folder. Feel free to call, 217 898 3777. Would love to welcome you back to class and hope all is well in your healing process.

  5. Jennifer Nugent says:

    Are children welcome to participate in the gentle yoga? (7 year old girl)


    • lyndsey says:

      Hi Jennifer! Sorry this comment just now surfaced! I have had children as young as 10 participate — it’s really so dependent on the child. Does she enjoy quiet self-connection? I’m committed to hold a safe and tranquil space for adults who are there to rest. Feel free to call with questions. I’m also hosting a kids yoga workshop soon! 217 898 3777

  6. Clarissa Moramarco says:

    Hi Lyndsey,

    We met recently at HOPE MEADOWS. I am still interested in getting together with you and my neighbor, Alison.

    I also would like to know when I can come to your next Gentle Yoga class.

    My Best – Clarissa

  7. Pingback: Resonating Voices of Hope, Courage, and Love. | Daily Bread Yoga

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About me
Educated as a painter, learning as a yogi, and playful as a baby monkey: I am a willing human being __ emphasis on the Be. I am traveling-learning, designing projects to feed my inquiries while attracting adventures and connecting with tribes that grace my journey with experiential wisdom in creative healing and joyful sustainability. My passions are catalyzing radically simple + beautiful + fun intentional community, sparking spontaneous collaborative singing and dancing, acroyoga, permaculture, and loving children.